Wellbeing - you can’t see it, touch it or quantify it but know it’s good for you.
The biggest challenge is to change perceptions about ‘exercise’ get past the gate keepers and reach the decision makers without ending in the garbage! So many people still think of exercise as sweaty, painful and unpleasant. Why would anyone want to schedule a ‘wellbeing’ break into a very busy life when most people don’t even have time to eat or pee during a demanding day at work?
Inspired Health and Fitness takes on the challenge to encourage corporate companies to provide healthy breaks during the working day. A break where a bespoke exercise programme can be delivered face to face by an experienced and qualified instructor. (The word ‘exercise’ is used lightly as this break is more about wellbeing than a workout). The programme is delivered in the work place either at the desk or in a designated room wearing normal work clothing. It will give essential breathing space and endorses time out to refresh and rejuvenate employees for the rest of the day.
We are now working in a culture where working solid without breaks; eating and snacking at the desk are norm. You need to ask yourself in 10 or 30 years’ time, will it be worth it? Will you be patting yourself on the back saying work was more important than your health? Is it right to live to work or should we work hard and live well?
Hopefully the How and Why below will help you pass the gate keeper and forward this onto the decision maker:
How and Why?
- Emulate the Times top 100 employers by providing health, fitness and wellbeing at work. The Times top 100 are the cream of Britain's motivated workforces “what they have in common is enlightened and forward-looking leaders investing in the wellbeing and motivation of their most valuable assets: their employees”. http://features.thesundaytimes.co.uk/public/best100companies/live/template
- Invest in your workforce and your workforce will invest in you: Investors in people “When employees feel connected to the organisation they invest more of themselves in it. Investing in people pays through the choices they make, the service they give and the results they deliver”. http://www.investorsinpeople.co.uk/about-us
- Reduce stress at work with The Stress Buster or Supple Strength sessions
- Reduce sickness absence by introducing regular daily exercise
- Improve job satisfaction and staff retention by investing in the wellbeing of your workforce. Survey results: 30,000 employees, 15 countries, 64% of employees who perceive their employer to be an active promoter of health and wellness, intend to stay at least five years. (World Economic Forum) http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_HE_WorkplaceWellnessAlliance_IndustryAgenda_2012.pdf
- Take an active approach to back care with The Back Care Programme (changing the chair or desk is only part of the solution)
- Increase productivity with a more alert and active workforce by introducing The Power Break