This time last year I published a blog about getting active and introducing more physical activity into your everyday life. This year I am going to contradict (balance) this blog by encouraging you to do a little less! For some people December is simply too much, too many chores, too many friends to see, too many parties, too much shopping, too much TV! I am therefore going to encourage you, to find some quiet time this December, time for some tranquillity and stillness.
I was speaking with one of my clients earlier this week, she was feeling a little under the weather and had lost her voice completely. However she was able to whisper some interesting advice and I would like to share this with you. Every Sunday, she turns off her mobile phone, turns off the TV and radio and has a quiet day where she does not speak and is not bombarded with noise. You may feel a full day is too long, however you could try a shorter period of ‘quiet time’.
I have just started teaching a Yoga Relaxation course. This is the very first one. I have been astounded how many people have joined this course and how many enquiries I have received. The joy of Yoga Relaxation is, you can spend time in a peaceful and relaxed environment, you don’t need to think, jump up and down or work up a sweat. It is about taking time out and allowing your body and mind to relax, recuperate and restore energy.
In my weekly newsletter last week, I included guidance for Viparita Kirani (Legs up the wall pose). The feedback from this has been so positive I wanted to publish it on a blog to reach a wider audience.
My advice therefore, this December, is to take a little time out, find your inner tranquillity and stillness.
Legs up the wall / Viparita Kiranai
Hip or knee injuries. Glaucoma, hypertension or hernia. If none of these precautions affect you, here are some instructions for you to give it a go:
From sitting:
Sit on the floor very close to the wall. Bend your knees up to your chest. Roll onto your right side staying close to the wall.
Slide your legs up the wall to position them above your pelvis.
Hands can be held on your abdomen to feel your breathing, or on the floor out to the side.
Focus on your breathing. Count to 2 as you inhale and match the count for the exhalation. Gradually increase the count to 4.
Aim to stay in this position for about 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing to 8 minutes. If you need to bend your knees a little, this is fine.
Coming out of this pose. Bend your knees into your chest, roll onto your right side (left if pregnant) and slowly bring yourself up.
You may want to rest your legs on a chair or stool with cushions instead of up the wall.
You can place a thick blanket under your spine for comfort and a blanket over your trunk for warmth. You may want to raise your pelvis a little with a folded blanket, again for comfort. If you normally have a support under your head this can be used.
Counter Pose:
Corps pose / Savasana
Lie on your back, lengthen out along the floor. Relax feet (about 2 feet apart). Relax arms at your side.
This is a restorative posture which will relax the whole body, drain excessive blood from the legs and lengthen the spine. It can also help with relief for headaches, stomach aches and menstrual discomfort.
Let me know how you get on by posting a comment. I look forward to hearing from you.
Inspired Health and Fitness – The complete approach to health, fitness and wellbeing.
Pauline Ward
Business Owner and Fitness Professional
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